Customized KQL Query for Detection

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through a series of customized KQL queries that I’ve personally developed and refined. These queries are not only ready to use but also easily deployable with minor adjustments. Whether you’re a seasoned Security analyst or just dipping your toes into the world of KQL, these queries will help streamline your Security analysis process and unlock valuable insights.

What You’ll Get from This Blog Post

  • Understanding KQL Queries: Learn about KQL queries and how they can help analyze data.
  • Clear Explanations: Each query comes with a simple explanation to help you understand how it works.
  • Ready-to-Use Queries: Use pre-made queries right away, saving time on creating them yourself.
  • Faster Analysis: Quickly analyze data with these ready-to-use queries, getting insights faster.

Now, let’s proceed with the first KQL query and with the explanation.

1. Query to detect downtime for each Data Type in Microsoft Sentinel

// Define an array containing names of security vendors
let array = pack_array("SonicWall","CrowdStrike","Palo Alto Networks","Barracuda");

// Combine data from multiple sources into one dataset
union isfuzzy =true
// Include various data sources like logon events, audit logs, etc.
union IdentityLogonEvents, IdentityQueryEvents,IdentityDirectoryEvents, SigninLogs, AuditLogs,AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs, AADServicePrincipalSignInLogs, AADManagedIdentitySignInLogs, AADUserRiskEvents, AADRiskyUsers, AWSCloudWatch, OfficeActivity, AWSCloudTrail, AzureActivity, PaloAltoPrismaCloudAlert_CL, PaloAltoPrismaCloudAudit_CL,CrowdStrike_Additional_Events_CL, WindowsEvent, SecurityEvent

// Include CommonSecurityLog data and filter it by device vendor
|where DeviceVendor in (array)
|extend Type = DeviceVendor

// Include CiscoISEEvent data and label it as "CiscoISE"
|extend Type = "CiscoISE"

// Include CiscoMeraki data and label it as "CiscoMeraki"
|extend Type = "CiscoMeraki"

// Include Infoblox data and label it as "InfobloxNIOS"
|extend Type = "InfobloxNIOS"

// Include CitrixADCEvent data and label it as "Netscaler"
|extend Type = "Netscaler"

// Summarize data by finding the maximum time each vendor was last seen
|summarize LastSeen = max (TimeGenerated) by Type

// Calculate the time difference between the current time and the last seen time for each vendor

|extend TimeDifference = now() - LastSeen

// Exclude vendors not seen in the last hour
|where TimeDifference >1h

2. Okta Impossible travel authentication detection

// Filter data from the Okta table where eventType_s contains "user.authentication.sso"
| where eventType_s contains "user.authentication.sso"

// Extract geographical information from the request_ipChain_s field and extend them as new columns
| extend country_ = tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(request_ipChain_s)[0].geographicalContext)).country)
| extend state_ = tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(request_ipChain_s)[0].geographicalContext)).state)
| extend city_ = tostring(parse_json(tostring(parse_json(request_ipChain_s)[0].geographicalContext)).city)

// Summarize the data by actor_displayName_s (user display name)
| summarize city_count = dcount(city_),
city = make_set(city_),
state = make_set(state_),
state_count = dcount(state_),
country = make_set(country_),
User_Email = make_set(actor_alternateId_s) by actor_displayName_s

// Filter out rows where the state information is empty
| where isnotempty(state)

// Filter out rows where the count of unique states/country is greater than 2
| where state_count > 2

3. Netskope query to detect data upload of more than 1 GB

// Filter data from the Netskope table where server_bytes_d (server bytes transferred) is greater than 1GB
| where server_bytes > 1073741824 // 1GB = 1,073,741,824 bytes

// Project selected columns for analysis
|project TimeGenerated,protocol_port_s,publisher_name_s,server_bytes_d,src_location_s,src_country_s,sourceport=srcport_d,app_s,appcategory_s,bypass_reason_s,Category,domain_s,dst_country_s,dst_location_s,dst_region_s,dst_zipcode_s,DestinationIP=dstip_s,dstport_d,page_s,site_s,ur_normalized_s,url_s,user_s,userip_s,browser_s,device_s,hostname_s

4. Signinlog Impossible travel by speed

// Define the maximum speed threshold
let maxSpeed = 1000;

// Filter data from the SigninLogs table where ResultType is "0" (successful sign-ins)
| where ResultType == "0"

// Extract latitude from LocationDetails.geoCoordinates and assign it to a new column
| extend latitude_ = todouble(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).latitude)

// Extract longitude from LocationDetails.geoCoordinates and assign it to a new column
| extend longitude_ = todouble(parse_json(tostring(LocationDetails.geoCoordinates)).longitude)

// Extract country or region from LocationDetails and assign it to a new column
| extend countryOrRegion = tostring(LocationDetails.countryOrRegion)

// Extract state from LocationDetails and assign it to a new column
| extend state = tostring(LocationDetails.state)

// Combine state and countryOrRegion into a location string and assign it to a new column
| extend location = strcat(state,' - ', countryOrRegion)

// Filter out rows where location is empty or undefined
| where location <> ' - '

// Extract browser information from DeviceDetail and assign it to a new column
| extend browser = tostring(DeviceDetail.browser)

// Summarize data by UserDisplayName, latitude, longitude, location, browser, AppDisplayName, UserPrincipalName, Location, and state
| summarize Count=count(), IP=any(IPAddress), Last=max(TimeGenerated) by UserDisplayName, latitude_, longitude_, Locations=tostring(location), browser, AppDisplayName, UserPrincipalName, Location, state

// Pack latitude and longitude into an array and assign it to a new column
| extend coordinates = pack_array(latitude_, longitude_)

// Summarize data by UserDisplayName, UserPrincipalName, and other attributes, keeping the sets of coordinates, states, countries, timestamps, IPs, apps, and browsers
| summarize Coordinates=makeset(coordinates), NumberOfCountries=dcount(Location), NumberOfState=dcount(state), StateCountries=make_set(Locations), Timestamps=makeset(Last), IPs=makeset(IP), Apps=makeset(AppDisplayName), Browsers=makeset(browser) by UserDisplayName, UserPrincipalName

// Filter out rows where the number of countries is less than 2 or the number of states is less than 3
| where NumberOfCountries > 1 or NumberOfState >2

// Calculate the distance between coordinates and assign it to a new column
| extend distance = round(geo_distance_2points(todouble(Coordinates[1]),todouble(Coordinates[0]),todouble(Coordinates[3]),todouble(Coordinates[2]))/1000,0)

// Calculate the time difference in hours between timestamps and assign it to a new column
| extend hours = abs(datetime_diff('hour', todatetime(Timestamps[1]),todatetime(Timestamps[0])))

// Filter out rows where hours is equal to 0
| where hours > 0

// Calculate the speed in kilometers per hour and assign it to a new column
| extend speedKmPerHour = round(distance/hours,0)

// Filter out rows where speed is greater than the maximum speed threshold
| where speedKmPerHour > maxSpeed

// Reorder and project selected columns, excluding IPs, and sort by UserPrincipalName in ascending order
| project-reorder Timestamps, UserDisplayName, UserPrincipalName, IPs, speedKmPerHour, distance, hours, StateCountries, Apps, Browsers, StateCountries
| sort by UserPrincipalName asc

// Replace special characters in IPs and assign it to a new column
| extend IPs = replace('[\\[|\\|\\\\|"\\]]','',tostring(IPs))

5. TI correlation of malicious IP with web session and filtering allowed IP from Palo alto with Whitelisting.

// Define an array of IP addresses considered as whitelist ranges
let IP_whitelist_ranges = dynamic(["", "", ...]); // IP address whitelist ranges

// Maximum number of IOCs to consider
let HAS_ANY_MAX = 10000;

// Lookback time for web session logs
let dt_lookBack = 1h;

// Lookback time for threat intelligence indicators
let ioc_lookBack = 14d;

// Retrieve threat intelligence indicators and filter relevant information
let IP_TI = ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(ioc_lookBack)
| summarize LatestIndicatorTime = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId
| where Active == true and ExpirationDateTime > now()
| extend TI_ipEntity = coalesce(NetworkIP, NetworkDestinationIP, NetworkSourceIP, EmailSourceIpAddress, "NO_IP")
| where TI_ipEntity != "NO_IP"
| where ipv4_is_private(TI_ipEntity) == false and TI_ipEntity !startswith "fe80" and TI_ipEntity !startswith "::" and TI_ipEntity !startswith "127.";

// Retrieve source IP addresses from CommonSecurityLog within the last hour
let src_ip = CommonSecurityLog
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h)
| where DeviceProduct contains "PAN-OS" and DeviceAction == 'allow'
| where isnotempty(SourceIP) and isnotempty(DestinationIP)
| project SourceIP, DestinationIP;

// Retrieve destination IP addresses from CommonSecurityLog within the last hour
let dst_ip = CommonSecurityLog
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(1h)
| where DeviceProduct contains "PAN-OS" and DeviceAction == 'allow'
| where isnotempty(SourceIP) and isnotempty(DestinationIP)
| project SourceIP, DestinationIP;

// Join threat intelligence indicators with source IP addresses
let IP_TI_Src = IP_TI
| join kind=innerunique (src_ip) on $left.TI_ipEntity == $right.SourceIP;

// Join threat intelligence indicators with destination IP addresses
let IP_TI_Dst= IP_TI
| join kind=innerunique (dst_ip) on $left.TI_ipEntity == $right.DestinationIP;

// Combine threat intelligence indicators for source and destination IP addresses
let IP_TI_CS = union IP_TI_Dst, IP_TI_Src;

// Calculate the list of threat intelligence IPs
let IP_TI_list = toscalar(IP_TI_CS
| summarize NIoCs = dcount(TI_ipEntity), IoCs = make_set(TI_ipEntity)
| project IoCs = iff(NIoCs > HAS_ANY_MAX, dynamic([]), IoCs));

// Join threat intelligence indicators with web session logs and filter non-whitelisted IPs
| join kind=innerunique (
_Im_WebSession (starttime = ago(dt_lookBack), srcipaddr_has_any_prefix = IP_TI_list)
| where isnotempty(SrcIpAddr)
| extend imNWS_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated
on $left.TI_ipEntity == $right.SrcIpAddr
| where imNWS_TimeGenerated < ExpirationDateTime
| summarize imNWS_TimeGenerated = arg_max(imNWS_TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId, DstIpAddr
| project imNWS_TimeGenerated , Description, ActivityGroupNames, IndicatorId, ThreatType, ExpirationDateTime, ConfidenceScore,
TI_ipEntity, Dvc, SrcIpAddr, DstIpAddr, Url, Type,SourceIP,DestinationIP, Action, DvcAction
| extend srcip = ipv4_is_in_any_range(SrcIpAddr,IP_whitelist_ranges)
| extend dstip = ipv4_is_in_any_range(DstIpAddr,IP_whitelist_ranges)
| where srcip == false and dstip == false


In conclusion, harnessing the power of customized KQL queries for detection purposes offers a potent solution to extract actionable insights from data. By tailoring queries to specific detection needs, analysts can efficiently identify patterns, anomalies, and trends crucial for informed decision-making. Embracing this approach not only enhances detection capabilities but also exemplifies a proactive stance towards data analysis, ultimately driving better outcomes for organizations.

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